Mathematics and Physics Wiki
Quantum Field Theory
No spooky action at a distance (Einstein)
... no spooky action at a distance (Einstein)
Early Results
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Klein-Gordon Equation
Dirac Equation
The Dawn of QFT Spinors
Feynman Slash Notation
Klein-Gordon Field
Dirac Field
Grassman Variable
Conformal Field Theory
Countdown to the Standard Model
From a framework to a model Yang-Mills Theory
Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum Chromodynamics
Electroweak Theory
Higgs Mechanism
Standard Model
Semi-Classical Gravity and the Dark Age Hawking Radiation
Chandrashekhar Limit
Problems with the Standard Model
Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model
Quantum Gravity
Theory of Everything
Related De Donder-Weyl Theory

A Klein-Gordon Field is a Quantum Field that obeys the Klein-Gordon Equation. It Describes Scalar, or Spin-0 Fields, including the famous elemwentary Higgs Field,.

Lagrangian Density[]

The Lagrangian Density of a free Klein-Gordon Field is given by:

This can easily, trivially, be derived through the Klein-Gordon Equation along with the Euler-Lagrange Equation.

In the non-free case, replace the 's with 's.

Higgs Field[]

Main Article: Higgs Field

The Higgs Field is the first and so far, only elementary Klein-Gordon Field observed experimentally (at the Large Hadron Collider). It is a scalar, spin-0, and therefore Klein-Gordon Field.
